Biden’s Dementia, Now What?

Shelby County Chairman’s Corner: Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Iowa dealing with the severe flooding. The impact on homes, businesses, and communities is immense, and the challenges faced by those affected are profound. We stand in solidarity with all Iowans during this difficult time, offering our support, compassion and prayers. May God grant them strength and perseverance.

Thank you to Senator Jason Schultz for attending our June meeting and educating us on the legislative process. It was extremely informative and provided a lens into the process a bill follows to become law. He also addressed questions from attendees on specific bills, timelines, and votes.

Calling all parade goers……Our next parade will be the Shelby County Fair parade on Thursday, July 11th in Harlan – all are welcome to ride the float or walk along. The parade starts at 6:00 pm. We will meet at 4:00 pm or a little before on the west side of the Shelby County Fairgrounds. Bring your lawn chairs and ride along!

With summer in full swing, we will forgo meetings in July and August. Mark your calendars – our next meeting will be Monday, September 23rd with the location and speaker TBD. If anyone has ideas or recommendations for upcoming educational speakers, please email them to [email protected].

Happy Independence Day! July 4th is a day of celebration and reflection for Americans, marking the birth of our nation and the values it stands for. It commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, reminding us of

the courage and vision of our Founding Fathers. This day is about more than just fireworks and barbecues; it’s about appreciating the sacrifices made for our independence and honoring the principles of freedom and democracy. As we

gather with family and friends, let’s celebrate our shared history and our collective commitment to preserve the enduring spirit of our nation.

Disappointing news this week….The Iowa Utilities Board (IUB) has approved the use of eminent domain for the proposed carbon pipeline project. This decision allows the pipeline company to acquire private land for the construction of the pipeline, even if landowners are unwilling to sell. The project aims to transport carbon dioxide from ethanol plants to storage sites, but it has faced significant opposition from property owners and environmental groups. The IUB’s approval marks a critical step forward for the project, although legal challenges and public resistance are expected to continue. If you have an opinion on the carbon pipelines, please contact your representatives to make your voice heard.

Co-Chair Rant: The world now knows what we have understood for years; President Biden is not fit to be President. Thursday night’s debate removed all doubt. Even the media that has been telling us that Biden is, ‘sharp, in control, on top of things’ has had to admit that he is none of those things. Democrats are conveniently suggesting he drop out of the race to open the door for Gavin Newsome, Michelle Obama, or maybe even Michigan’s disaster of a Governor, Gretchen Whitmer. So what is a Conservative Republican to do? Demand to know who is, and has been, running the country! Biden in charge is a nation security threat. Our Republican leaders should start an investigation into who has been perpetrating this fraud on the American people. The media should quit covering for the Democrats and start demanding answers. We should also do what we are doing; register people to vote, and make sure EVERY Republican goes to the polls and votes for Donald Trump! The survival of our country depends on it.

Upcoming Events:

Find more info at: Events – The Republican Party of Iowa (

Important dates:

7/2/2024 Iowa GOP Reception – Council Bluffs, IA

7/11/2024 Shelby County Fair Parade – Harlan, IA

7/15-7/18/24 Republican National Convention – Milwaukee, WI

9/23/2024 Shelby County Central Committee Meeting

11/5/2024 General Election

For the most up to date calendar of Iowa GOP events click: Iowa GOP Events Please email [email protected] for more information

    General Election Match Ups Are Set

    Shelby County Chairman’s Corner: Thank you to all who participated in the Tivoli Fest Parade in Elk Horn on Memorial Day weekend. We had a beautiful day with many candidates and their supporters in attendance.

    Our next parade will be the Shelby County Fair parade on Thursday, July 11 th in Harlan – all are welcome to ride the float or walk along.

    Luke Wolff is the new Communications Director for the Republican Party of Iowa. Congratulations & Welcome Luke! He comes to us from Peoria, IL. With his onboarding complete, the weekly rundown newsletters will resume.

    Find the latest at: IAGOP Weekly Rundown

    The 2024 Iowa Primaries are in the books – Congratulations to the candidates advancing to the general election on November 5th.

    Our next Central Committee meeting will be Monday, June 24th at Mi Casa in Harlan, IA. Social hour at 6:00 pm, Speaker at 6:30 pm and the meeting at 7:00 pm. Our June speaker will be Iowa Senator Jason Schultz.

    Statement by Jeff Kaufmann on the Unfair Trial of President Trump: “The Democrat Party is lost as we know it, to the point of no return. This decision is a disgrace to the rule of law. It’s disgusting they are mobilizing the federal government for political gain. A corrupt Soros-funded prosecutor just carried out the will of the Democrats who are terrified of President Trump returning to the White House. With sentencing scheduled right before the GOP Convention in Milwaukee, the corruption and malice is as prevalent as ever here. Shameful.”

    Upcoming Events:

    Important dates:

    6/24/2024 Shelby County Central Committee Meeting – Mi Casa, Harlan

    7/2/2024 Iowa GOP Reception – Council Bluffs, IA

    7/11/2024 Shelby County Fair Parade – Harlan, IA

    7/15-7/18/24 Republican National Convention – Milwaukee, WI

    11/5/2024 General Election

    For the most up to date calendar of Iowa GOP events click: Iowa GOP Events

    Please email [email protected] for more information.

    State Convention, Grassley Visit, New Float!

    Our thoughts and prayers are with those impacted by the recent storms in southwest Iowa. We send our heartfelt condolences and support to all affected during this challenging time.

    Shelby County Chairman’s Corner: Thank you to all who participated in the State Convention on May 4 th in Des Moines. The Shelby County delegation included Mike Shaw, Sara Ferneding, Jeff Walton, Aida Brown, Nicholas Kohles, Ruth Anne Grimsley, Larry Hopp, and Tammi Schulz. The day was filled with motivating speeches, networking with fellow Republicans, and finalizing the 2024 Iowa Platform.

    Congratulations to Steve Scheffler and Tamara Scott for being re-elected as our National Committee team!

    The April Central Committee was a success! We heard from Mike Kolbe, Alexis Carter and Charles Parkhurst, all candidates for Shelby County Supervisor, and from Taryn Knapp, candidate for Shelby County Auditor. Melissa Arkfeld, candidate for Shelby County Auditor, was unable to attend due to a prior commitment. Thank you to all for

    participating and sharing your visions for Shelby County’s future!

    Senator Chuck Grassley spoke to a standing room only crowd at the library in downtown Harlan on April 25th. It was his Shelby County stop as he is once again on a listening tour of all of Iowa’s 99 Counties. Grassley listened to concerns about; the CO2 Pipeline, California’s Proposition 12, the FBI & CIA, and more. He also explained his support of appropriating billions of dollars to Ukraine.

    As Memorial Day approaches, let us pause to honor the profound sacrifices and unwavering service of our veterans. With deep gratitude, we extend a sincere THANK YOU to all who have bravely served our country. Freedom isn’t free. Some gave all.

    It’s also time to organize our annual parades. Kudos to Jeff Walton and Nicholas Kohles for building our parade float!

    The first parade is Saturday, May 25 th in Elk Horn. All Republicans are welcome to ride or walk with the float – don’t forget your lawn chair. Afterwards, head downtown to enjoy the Danish offerings of Tivoli Fest including Aebleskivers, Folk Dancing, and live music.

    Next up, the Shelby County Chamber of Commerce will be hosting a candidate forum on Thursday, May 23 rd at 6:30 pm at the Harlan High School. This will be a great event to meet the candidates, ask questions, and hear their visions.

    The Republican Primaries will be held on Tuesday, June 4th. Please encourage your friends and neighbors to make a difference by voting in 2024. Shelby County Republican candidates include:

    Our next Central Committee meeting will be Monday, May 20th at Mi Casa in Harlan, IA. Social hour at 6:00 pm, Speaker at 6:30 pm and the meeting at 7:00 pm.

    Important dates:

    5/20/2024 Shelby County Central Committee – Harlan, IA

    5/23/2024 Chamber Candidate Forum – Harlan High School

    5/25/2024 Tivoli Fest Parade – Elk Horn, IA

    6/4/2024 Primary Voting (early voting opens late May)

    7/11/2024 Shelby County Fair Parade – Harlan, IA

    7/15-7/18/24 Republican National Convention – Milwaukee, WI

    11/5/2024 General Election

    For the most up to date calendar of Iowa GOP events click: Iowa GOP Events

    Please email [email protected] for more information.

    April 2024 Newsletter

    April 2024 Newsletter

    Welcome to our very first Shelby County Iowa Republican’s Newsletter! Our goal is to publish monthly to inform our local community of upcoming events and relevant information.

    Shelby County Chairman’s Corner: Thank you to all who participated in the Caucus and subsequent County Convention. We had 477 caucus participants in extremely adverse weather conditions! Results are posted at Caucus 2024 Results – Shelby County Iowa GOP.

    The District 4 Convention was held Saturday, April 6th . Congratulations to Shelby County’s Mike Shaw for being elected to the State Platform Committee and to Tammi Schulz for being elected as an alternate delegate to the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee this July.

    The new District 4 State Central Committee will be Steve Holt, Jim Boyer, Gary Nystrom, and Starlyn Perdue.

    Republican National Convention Delegates were Gary Nystrom, Lynn Evans and Jeff Taylor.

    Next up, the State Convention on May 4th in Clive.

    The Shelby County Iowa GOP website is up and running – Please visit Shelby County Iowa GOP and sign up for the monthly newsletter. We are continuing to build content and will post information on 2024 Republican candidates in the near future.

    We had a very successful showing of the documentary, Gridshock. 93 individuals attended to view the movie, learn about the human trafficking case from Shelby County, and engage in positive dialogue with the Shelby County Sheriff’s department. Thank you to all who made this event possible!

    Our next Central Committee meeting will be Monday, April 22 at Mi Casa in Harlan, IA. Social hour at 6:00 pm, Speaker at 6:30 pm and the meeting at 7:00 pm.

    State & District Updates

    RPI Chairman’s Comments: Accolades to everyone involved in the 2024 Iowa Republican Caucuses. It was by any standard a great success. 110,000+ Iowa Republicans braved extreme weather to participate in the most transparent election process in the country. It could not have been done without the 10,000+ volunteers across the state and a dedicated team at RPI.

    The Democrats, in contrast, decided to have a mail in ballot to appease the DNC and end Iowa’s First in the Nation position. About 20,000 Iowa Democrats requested ballots. Less than 14,000 returned their ballots. 614 voted “uncommitted.” The Iowa Democrat Chair applauded the new accessibility of the mail in process that resulted in lower voter turnout.

    Iowa Federation of Republican Women: Michelle Crawford, IFRW’s new President, shared that everyone is settling into new leadership roles and planning for the upcoming year has begun. The Federation has big growth goals and a plan to spread their message across the state to increase clubs and membership numbers. The Spring Conference is April 25-26 in Davenport. Riley Gaines will be the Davenport speaker!

    Iowa Federation of Young Republicans: IFYR Chair, Mary Weston, shared the 2024 goals which included chartering three new chapters, recruiting new members with a focus on graduating college Republicans. They successfully hosted the National YR quarterly meeting in Des Moines, held their annual Christmas party, and volunteered with caucuses.

    Important dates:

    4/13/2024 State Convention Committee meetings

    4/19/2024 RPI Chairman’s Reception at Cardiff Center – 3232 1st Ave Fort Dodge – 6:00 pm – Special Guest – Congressman Wesley Hunt – $60/individual, $100/couple

    4/25-4/26/24 IFRW Spring Conference – Davenport – Speaker Riley Gaines

    5/4/2024 State Convention – Horizons Event Center, Clive, IA

    5/25/2024 Tivoli Fest Parade – Elk Horn, IA

    6/4/2024 Primary Voting

    7/11/2024 Shelby County Fair Parade

    7/15-7/18/24 Republican National Convention – Milwaukee, WI

    11/5/2024 General Election

    For the most up to date calendar of GOP events click: Iowa GOP Events

    Please email [email protected] for more information.